So what exactly are you doing over there?

GREAT QUESTION! Well, it depends on who you're talking to, so we will let each person give their own response: 

     JUSTIN: We have split our days up, and so the mornings are mine to use as I want for my studies/responsibilities until noon. So I normally get up at 5:30ish, and jump in the car or on the train and head for the church, where I spend 2-3 hours working on things related to the church, mainly setting up the launch for the Small Groups in January. Right now that is sermon prep for a 3 part series I am doing on "Pourquoi faire les Groupes de maison?" = "Why Do Small Groups?", which starts up on Nov.9th.So I spend a good chunk of time studying and writing that up. Then, the pastor of the church, Aristide, shows up and we shoot the breeze a little, and then either meet up with people he is discipling, or do a house visit, or just plan upcoming things at the church, while discussing the pastoral needs of the congregation (yeah, helping people not be afraid that someone did some magic on the elements of the Communion before serving it, is not a normal pastoral concern in America, but these and many others are normal in a congregation which comes from diverse backgrounds like ours).
     Once a month we head to a pastors forum, where we spend the day brainstorming ideas in relation to the needs of the churches in the Association, which this year is the theme of "Making Disciples who Make Disciples." So that has been a blast to be apart of and get to know more about the French church. Then, on Tuesdays for 2 hours I meet in the afternoon with our lovely tutor, Catherine, who is expanding my vocabulary, honing my phonetics/prononciation, and deepening my understand of french grammar. Then, I finish off Tuesday night by leading a prayer meeting/Bible study with a group of anywhere from 4-15 people, and then take one of the older ladies home and talk about everything under the sun! Never a dull moment on that ride home! ;) I end the week on Friday mornings at the Bible Institute where I am taking a class on the prophets this semester, and next semester on systematic theology for expanding my biblical vocabulary and for better understanding the french theological system of education. Invaluable time spent there with profs and students! Then on Sunday we head to church, where I am learning to accept the title "pastor" that I have been given and the expectations that come with it, while either leading the worship services or giving the communion message each week. But most of all, just getting to know this awesome group of people in it's grand diversity! 
     However, I get some "me time" in by riding my bike along La Marne River to and from the church once or twice a week (about 20km each way), and that has been a good way to refuel, get healthy, and debrief myself before coming back home to the family. 

     JENNAMy day in a nutshell includes all that which you will read under Justin, Aria and Colette. :) The week looks a little different for me here in Lognes than that in Albertville, as I am not in full-time schooling anymore (well official, sit down schooling). In fact, I am at home most of the day, which is a nice change. In the mornings, I eat breakfast with the girls and then Colette and I take Aria to school. Typically, we’ll leave from the school and take our morning walk around two of the local lakes. Upon returning home, I take time to read and journal. Before heading back to the school to pick up Aria, I will often get cleaning done around the house (dishes, cleaning, laundry, etc) amongst playing with, feeding and putting Colette down for her morning nap.
     Justin has allowed me space to study French as well. Each afternoon, after eating lunch and getting the girls down for the naps, I get to study for 3 hours (working on our homework from our private teacher). I feel very blessed to be able to have this time as I enjoy, though tough, studying and learning this beautiful language. In between all of that, we have been hosting lots of people this month, some french, some American friends from our former school, and even family, so it has been wonderful to serve in this way! 
     So, this is a typical day for me, but certain days differ: Tuesday afternoons, I have one on one time with Catherine from 3:30-5:30Wednesday evenings, I have the opportunity to go to house group where we are studying the foundations of Christian faith. This last Thursday morning, I started attending a women’s bible study at a local churchSunday morning, I spend time in the Sunday school class of 11-14 year olds. It is so wonderful being out of the classroom and in to real life. It’s helping me to increase in confidence to speak, make errors and try again!   

     ARIA: I'm really starting to find my routine! I go to school Mondaythrough Friday from 8:30-11:30. It was hard at first but I'm doing better every day, and I'm learning French! Sometimes, I'm not sure if I am speaking French or English, and I mix the two languages together in one sentence! :) Each morning, I walk to school and when mommy picks me up, she brings my bike to ride home. It's not too far as we live less than 1 km away. I spend the day learning new songs, doing exercises, riding bikes (i love this!), playing "king and queen", and working on my lessons for each day. I have a fun book that I am putting together for mommy and daddy that has all the assignments my nice teacher, Bénédicte, and her helper, Isabelle, give me to do while at school.Some days are harder than others, and I usually cry for joy at the end of the morning when I see mommy at the door. Then we come home and have lunch or go out for a picnic, and I take my nap. When I wake up we usually play some more, go to the park, and sometimes even go on dates with mommy or daddy. I am enjoying our time in France, but I'm excited to go to Africa, because I'm going to tell the "kiddos" about Jesus, and mommy and daddy are gonna tell the big peoples! 

     COLETTE: Hey Everyone! Right now I'm just along for the ride, and I get to spend mornings with mommy, taking sissy to school, and then going out for a walk with mommy. After we pick up Aria from school, I eat lunch and take a nap too. When I wake up, I hang out with daddy so that mommy can study. Then we spend time together as a family in the evening.Mommy and daddy say I'm an easy baby, but I'm still not sleeping through the night yet, so pray mommy (and sometimes daddy) stay sane! The french people are really nice though, and they always come up and talk to mommy and daddy, but they don't know it's really because of me! shhh... Don't tell them!!! ;)


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    Date2016.10.20 By바울
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  15. RV 순회 선교사 사역기

              박승목 집사와 박영자 집사 부부 “믿음이 무엇을 하는 것이 아니고 믿는 대로 주님이 해 주시는 것” 몇 년 전에 오크라호마 시티에서 사역을 마치고 계속 남쪽으로 내려오면 텍사스 경계선을 넘자마자 큰 도시가 나오는데 다운타운은 건물만 있고 ...
    Date2016.08.16 By바울
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  16. KCCC 학생 간증

    My name is Michael. I come from China and I study at UIC for my muster degree. My major is ECE (electrical computer engineering). I accepted Jesus as my savior on December 28th, 2013, at a conference named Higher Calling.  When I was in hig...
    Date2014.11.21 By바울
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  17. KCCC 여름 단기선교

    KCCC(한국 대학생 선교회) 시카고 지부에서 복음을 널리 전파하기 위하여 태국과 동아시아로 단기선교를 다녀왔다. 이번 단기선교에서 태국팀은 5월28일부터 7월5일, 그리고 동아시아팀은 6월22일부터 7월26일까지 다녀왔으며, 각 지역에서 가장 영향력있는 ...
    Date2014.08.18 By바울
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  18. KCCC 시카고 사역기 - 조성주 간사-

    여름 단기선교를 다녀온지 채 얼마 안된것 같은데 어느덧 새학기가 시작된지 한달이 지나고 있습니다 하나님의 시간표는 구약의 시간만큼이나 빨리 지나는 듯한 느낌을 받습니다 저희 간사들에게는 새학기가  시작하고 6주간이 정말 중요한 시간입니다 그래서...
    Date2014.09.27 By바울
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  19. KCCC ANNA 간사 간증

      Testimony from Anna, new staff trainee   이 간증은 저희 사역을 통해 간사로 헌신하게된 Anna 간사의 간증입니다.   About a year ago, the Holy Spirit began speaking to me about FT ministry. But I could not give up a steady paycheck. In Decemb...
    Date2014.11.01 By바울
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  20. justin 선교사의 아프리카 사역기 <레익뷰 언약교회 EM 파송 선교사>

    So what exactly are you doing over there?  GREAT QUESTION! Well, it depends on who you're talking to, so we will let each person give their own response:       JUSTIN: We have split our days up, and so the mornings are mine to use as I want ...
    Date2014.11.14 By바울
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