2014.11.21 12:27

KCCC 학생 간증



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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄 첨부


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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄 첨부


My name is Michael. I come from China and I study at UIC for my muster degree. My major is ECE (electrical computer engineering). I accepted Jesus as my savior on December 28th, 2013, at a conference named Higher Calling. 

When I was in high school in China, like all students, I just studied everyday very hard. I had no time to think about my life. After these hard works, I entered a good university, in high school all the things I did was to study, but when I came to the college, things changed. I had a time to think about the meaning of life. I realized that studying itself could not be the meaning of life because it is just for getting a job. I became think more about the meaning of life. I tried to keep myself busy to avoid this question. When I felt empty, I played video games. 

Although I knew that I was just wasting my time, still I did not want to think about the future or the meaning of life. Since I came to America, everything was such fresh for me. I was very excited with everything. One day, I went to UIC library, and saw Jackie gansanim who was KCCC staff. I just went directly to her and signed up for the KCCC group. I signed to many groups, but I did not know why I kept going this group. One month after I came to Chicago, my curiosity about Chicago had almost gone, and I felt empty in my heart. I was so lost, even had no idea why I came to America. At that time, Hyunbo gansanim who was another staff at KCCC told me that I was in Chicago because God sent me here. He also told me that I was only faithful to KCCC because God wants me to know him. At that time, I didn't really understand the meaning, but later I realized how much God loves me planning everything for me. After that conversation, we had a retreat called Fall Getaway. At the retreat, I learned that there is another life waiting for me, no emptiness, no anxiety, but an enjoyable abundant life. I realized the importance of the words of God that gives us the direction of life and the standard to be a man. When I came back from the retreat I began to pray and read the Bible. Last winter, there was a conference of KCCC named Higher Calling, I went there without any expectation. I just wanted to meet more people to make friends. At the conference, one pastor said that God's love is thousand times more than the love we received from someone. I thought about Jackie and HB. While I had a hard time as I just came here, I didn't have confidence to talk to people. I could not say hello to strangers, but with their love and blessing and encouragement, little by little I opened my heart. I could experience God's love through them. At the last sermon, the pastor asked us to stand up and raise our hands if we would like to accept Jesus as our savior. I was so debating whether to stand or not, but by God's grace, 

I stood up and raised my hands. Two brothers put their hands on me, and prayed for me. Just that moment I stood up, the emptiness in my heart was gone. Later, God led me to one church and I got baptized. I am a new believer. Still my relationship with God is shallow. I did not fully accept God as the Creator God. However, I want to deepen my relationship with God and follow him. I pray to grow in faith and accept God as the Creator fully. Amen.


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  16. KCCC 학생 간증

    My name is Michael. I come from China and I study at UIC for my muster degree. My major is ECE (electrical computer engineering). I accepted Jesus as my savior on December 28th, 2013, at a conference named Higher Calling.  When I was in hig...
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  17. KCCC 여름 단기선교

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  19. KCCC ANNA 간사 간증

      Testimony from Anna, new staff trainee   이 간증은 저희 사역을 통해 간사로 헌신하게된 Anna 간사의 간증입니다.   About a year ago, the Holy Spirit began speaking to me about FT ministry. But I could not give up a steady paycheck. In Decemb...
    Date2014.11.01 By바울
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    So what exactly are you doing over there?  GREAT QUESTION! Well, it depends on who you're talking to, so we will let each person give their own response:       JUSTIN: We have split our days up, and so the mornings are mine to use as I want ...
    Date2014.11.14 By바울
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