


아시안 혐오 범죄 종식과 인종 평화를 위한 공동 기도문

--영문 버젼입니다


Communal Prayer for the End of Asian Hate Crimes and Peace


+Creator, Giver, and Sustainer of all living things, we thank you for your mercy and providential salvation, and in desperation, we lift up our prayers for all ethnicities and nations to live in peace.

*Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

+God of Light, you grant freedom and liberation as you “shine on those living in darkness and in the shadow of death” (Luke 1:79). But, Lord, we are prideful. We hate and discriminate against the other, brutally taking the lives of our own neighbors.


*Lord, we confess our sins. Have mercy on us.

+This past week, the lives of eight of our neighbors were taken by a mass shooting driven by racism. Six of these were our Asian sisters. Have mercy on the fallen souls, and comfort the families who have lost their loved ones.


*Lord of eternal rest, we commit their souls into your hands.

+As enmity and hate crimes against Asians have risen across our nation, Korean-Americans and all Asian Americans, particularly Asian women are living in fear and anxiety.


*Everlasting Defender, protect us under your watchful eye.

+God of Liberation and Peace, you tear down walls to bring us together. Open our eyes to see that every individual is created in the image of God so that we may cherish our differences and allow the beauty of your diverse creation to flourish.


*Unifying Holy Spirit, be our guide.

+God, champion and defender of the weak, break us out of our submission and silence. Raise us up to become workers of human rights, liberty, and peace in this world.


*Spirit of God, come, breathe out new life upon us to make us co-laborers of peace and reconciliation.

+God, let your peace resonate with love and reconciliation through the paths taken by every individual of every race and every nation – from the Pacific to the Atlantic, from the Rockies to the Florida Keys.


*Lord of the new heavens and new earth, lead us step by step towards your kingdom.

We pray this in the name of Jesus, our Prince of Peace. Amen.


--Translated by Pastor Jiman Lee

Korean American Sanctuary Church Network


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